Tuesday, December 10, 2013

When my day started off with morning frustrations with the kids, I couldn't wait to pound the

pavement with a run...a nice long run. (It was going to be a LONG day, I home school the kids). I threw on my running shoes and left, hoping to come back with a clear head, dissipated of the anger and frustration of the morning.

I love my workouts. I could workout 3 hours a day if I had the time. I love the peace and quiet of a workout (I listen to music, but there's not the constant buzz of kids in my ear). I love the focus on something that I can accomplish, literally "cross off my list" for the day. I love the high from the endorphins of a great workout, the strength I get physically and emotionally from my workout. And I certainly can't complain about how it translates to my body and how I look. It's a great stress reliever..

Most of us are busy with "life". It's so easy to get in a rut and eliminate a workout from the day's schedule. However, the stress of home and family life can pull us down.  A nice workout, just you doing your best, is good for your body and your soul.

4 miles later, the frustration of the morning's events are gone, and I'm ready to try again!

Proverbs 31: 17 "She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong."

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